Sunday, 1 February 2015

Start of a new project

Sorry it was been such a while since posting stuff ! Uni can be such the time suck sometimes. Anywho here are some colour/facial markings development for a red panda character for a visual development project I have given myself for my Final Major Project for university.

Saturday, 7 June 2014

Sunday, 2 March 2014

 When I have seen repeat patterns, the ones which have stood out to me the most, are those which are made up of diagonal element placements.  So I decided to try diagonals out in my final pattern experiment.

 I wanted to make my rain girl nostalgia prints for the Cath Kidston YCN Awards brief more interesting.  I decided to add in some secondary elements to the initial rain girls in the form of mallard ducks.

I felt I had got as far as I could with the Ethnic Britain idea for the Cath Kidston brief for the YCN Awards, and it didn't really fit the brand.  So I decided to start working on another idea I had, to create a nostalgia themed pattern.  There was nothing I loved more as a little un, than to splash around in the rain and jump in puddles....just couldn't resist them.  So I thought to bring this forward.